frequently asked questions

general questions:
A: ARISE is an acronym for “A Renewal In Student Education and Evangelism”.

Approved by Memphis Shelby County Schools, ARISE2READ (A2R) is a non-profit organization made up of over 800 volunteers that teach children to read using foundational sight words during the school day, as well as encourage Bible literacy at Bible clubs that meet after-school.
Q: Is this program just for members of bellevue baptist church?
A: Nope! A2R is a “Literacy Thing” not a “Bellevue Thing”. ARISE2Read opportunities are open to anyone and everyone.
A2R was founded by Donna Gaines in 2013 and continues to receive support from Bellevue Baptist Church, along with MANY churches and businesses across Memphis and Shelby County.  
A: Absolutely not! You only need a willing heart, the ability to read, and be committed to showing up for your students once a week. We will train you and there will always be someone there to answer any questions.
Q: What is the time commitment?
Volunteers serve one hour, once-a-week from mid-September to early April. We follow the calendars of the school districts we support, which include holidays, testing days, and field trips. Bible Clubs generally last a little longer, about an hour and a half.
q: what will i be doing?

A: During your session, you will work with the same two students each week, each one for 30-minutes. As a result, powerful relationships form between students and their coaches, which supports the social/emotional growth of the children. During that time you will focus on helping your students master 5 sight words using the protocol taught in training. 

Q: When is tutoring?
A: A2R literacy coaching takes place during the school day, between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm, and opportunities vary by school. Every school we serve has a different schedule. You will receive more information about placement during your training session.
A2R Bible Clubs meet after school from 3:30 to 4:45.
Q: How Old do I have to be? can my kids/teens come with me?
A: Because of the background check approval process, all volunteers need to be 18 years old to participate and we ask that you not bring young children with you. However, if you are looking for family friendly volunteer projects, check out our Special Projects Page!

1. Complete the Get Involved Form 

2. Attend a training session

3. Complete a background check per school board policy

4. Choose your location, day, and time

Q: Can I choose where I go?
A: Once you have completed a training session AND received your background check approval you will receive a list of openings (each representing 2 children in need of your help) at ARISE2Read schools.
You get to choose where you serve, however- School selection is on a first-come/first-served basis and once a school is full, we ask that you prayerfully consider going to the schools on the list with openings, even if it isn’t immediately familiar to you. 

A: Returning coaches get first dibs on returning to the place they served the previous year. (So be sure to complete that “Intent to Return Form” you get at the end of the year!)

When school first gets started, there are several things that must happen before we start putting volunteers in place. We have to get coaching schedules finalized, student rosters submitted, pretest students, etc.

You should hear from a Head Coach/Program Specialist around the 3rd or 4th week after school starts. If you think you have missed something, be sure to check your junk/spam folders for potential emails. Of course, you are ALWAYS welcome to call or email our office!

training questions:
Q: AM I REQUIRED TO ATTEND a training session?
A: Attending a training session is required for all volunteers that have not actively served within the past 9 months. If you attended training last year, but never actually served with students, you are still required to attend a training session before being placed in a school. That being said, we welcome seasoned volunteers to attend training sessions as needed. 
Q: WHAT IF I can't attend the posted training sessions?

A: ARISE2Read schedules both morning and evening training sessions for you to choose from. If none of the posted trainings work for you, check our website periodically for updates. 

If all training sessions have been completed for the time being, we invite you to complete our Training Waitlist. Also, make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter! By completing the Get Involved Form you will receive emails as new opportunities become available. 

A: Roughly an hour and a half. If you are not present for 90% of the training we must ask you to complete the session again.

A: You will learn about obtaining the required background check during your training session. All volunteers must have an approved level 3 background check prior to working with students.

First-time volunteers serving in a Memphis Shelby County School (MSCS) must complete a background check AND be fingerprinted.  Once these steps are completed, volunteers serving in MSCS will be required to renew their volunteer application online annually. Previous background checks or fingerprinting done outside of the MSCS Board of Education are considered valid.

Memphis Shelby County Schools Background Check Application

literacy questions:
Q: What are sight words?
A: Sight words are the words educators have identified as being the most common words a reader must recognize and understand on sight. (For context- the first 300 words on the list represent about 67% of all the words we encounter when reading.)
Q: Why focus on sight words?

A: Having a bank of sight words (we don’t have to think about) frees up brain cells so a reader can focus on comprehension and figuring out more difficult words.

evangelism questions:

Please note that our Evangelism program is temporarily paused. We will update you with more information as it becomes available.

Q: What are bible clubs?

A: ARISE2Read Bible Clubs allow volunteers to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with students from all grade levels at our partner schools. This is done in a fun way that includes songs, games, art projects, and lesson time. 

Q: WHEN do Bible Clubs meet?
A: Bible Clubs meet AFTER school, usually from 3:30-4:30 pm, one day a week.
q: what will i be doing?

A: There are many opportunities to serve at a Bible Club. We will train and work with you based on your comfort level. Some roles include teaching the lesson, singing songs, playing games, distributing snacks, etc. The most important role is building relationships with the students!

q: where are these bible clubs located?

A: Most of our Bible Clubs take place at one of our partner schools.

Q: Do I have to be a christian to volunteer?

A: Yes. Unlike the Education side of A2R, we ask that share our statement of faith for this particular volunteer role. 


A: Yes, you will learn about obtaining the required background check during your training session.

Q: are there other evangelism opportunities?
A: YES. Even if you can’t commit to serving every week at a club, there are often additional opportunities that arise. Check out our Special Projects Page for more information.

Still have a question? Let us know!

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